Purely Integrative

Autism Kit - How Supplements Support Kids on the Spectrum

Autism Kit - How Supplements Support Kids on th...

Trying to get the right amount of nutrients into your child can be challenging especially when you may not be in front of him or her during every meal.  All...

Autism Kit - How Supplements Support Kids on th...

Trying to get the right amount of nutrients into your child can be challenging especially when you may not be in front of him or her during every meal.  All...

Sleep Struggles and Strategies

Sleep Struggles and Strategies

After a long day every parent wants their child to get a good night’s sleep.  When an autistic child has sleep issues, it can lead to a rise in symptoms. ...

Sleep Struggles and Strategies

After a long day every parent wants their child to get a good night’s sleep.  When an autistic child has sleep issues, it can lead to a rise in symptoms. ...

Common Nutritional Challenges Among Autism Spectrum Disorder Children

Common Nutritional Challenges Among Autism Spec...

In the largest study of its kind, researchers with the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN) uncovered nutritional deficiencies and excesses children with autism commonly experience.  Many of the children in their...

Common Nutritional Challenges Among Autism Spec...

In the largest study of its kind, researchers with the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network (ATN) uncovered nutritional deficiencies and excesses children with autism commonly experience.  Many of the children in their...